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Holding Onto the Past Holds You Back: A Senior PSA by Soren Robinson (2020)

In my PSA, I drew inspiration from my This I believe essay that I wrote in English class. The essay topic for my essay was my belief in how we should put in as much effort into the things we have to do in the moment, but as time goes by we must be able to let things go that we need to. This is what I focused most on in my illustration. The anchor represents something that should stay put, but the man not wanting to leave it holds on and drags it through the mud. Dirting both the anchor and stopping himself from getting where he needs to. This is metaphorical in that the memories we have can be cherished and remembered, but should not be clung to far past their reality.

I created this illustration in Adobe Illustrator. First, I was assigned to come up with a color scheme and layout where my subjects were going to be. I stuck to this plan almost completely only changing out the idea of what my man was going to be dragging. The main techniques I used consisted of placing images from the internet and using the pen tool to outline and use. The biggest struggle I faced was in making the chain. Because of the way I drew the man, it was very difficult making it look good for the man to hold onto the chain with it looking like his hands are grasping around the chain. I ended up having to change the links that were near his hands to fit the aesthetic instead of just having the hands on top of them. Pretty much everything else worked the way I wanted to.Related website
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