Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Conversation is Food for the Soul: A Senior PSA by Daniela Shapiro (2020)

Through this piece, I hoped to advocate for the importance of dinnertime, and the power it holds to bring people together. My artwork depicts a young girl and a middle-aged man (representing my dad and myself) sitting next to each other at the dinner table. The younger individual is consuming a milkshake, while the older one eats out of a massive salad bowl. In between them, colorful speech bubbles signal that they are in the middle of a conversation, which outlines how I have developed a much closer relationship with my family and culture through eating dinner together every night. At the top of the page, the quote Conversation is food for the soul rests. This line demonstrates the inverse relationship between food and discourse, suggesting each one prompts the other. I chose a flashy neon color scheme to demonstrate that the connections, traditions, culture, and bonds developed at the dinner table are positive, and bring happiness to those who experience them, much like these colors. I created this piece hoping to influence people who seldom eat meals with loved ones to try and connect with others over a meal, even if it is only a few times a month.

This artwork was made using Adobe Illustrator. One of my largest struggles in the process was trying to incorporate the color scheme into my whole piece. These colors are very prominent and not typically used to design people, so it took a lot of experimentation to actually make them work. I also struggled creating emphasis on a certain part of the design and conserving white space. I was eventually able to fix this by desaturating the background color and shrinking all of the other components. Lastly, I did not have the usual Cintiq tablets at my disposal, so I had to design this with the trackpad of my laptop, which is not ideal, but in the end, I made it work.Related website
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