Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Jump Towards New Opportunities: A Senior PSA by Ellie Schwarz (2020)

I have created a Public Service Announcement piece captioned, Jump Towards New Opportunities. I depicted a scene that resembles Lake Powell in Utah/Arizona. The large rocks and water have a flattering fluorescent contrast which stands for the tranquility that should be felt when adapting to the new environments within opportunities. The woman jumping into the pool exerts confidence and excellence, as she is landing within a small children's pool, which she is aiming to execute perciciely, but the artwork does not show her landing within the pool. I did this for the viewer to create their own perspective on the divers ending. I took joy in creating the diver as she is so simple yet adequate throughout the piece. She blends perfectly with her background and dives effortlessly, for the emphasis of confidence.

I created this artwork on Adobe Illustrator mainly using the pen tool. With creating digital art on Illustrator, you must work with layers, with these layers you must layer your heart from background to all of the other components. For example, I began with the pink sky, and blue water, then the happy orange sun, and everything else on top, in order for a cohesive and successful creation. An issue I struggled with in the process of this design was the size of the diver. I did not want her to overpower the piece, but I did not want her to dominate it either. In the end, I happily decided on her size by asking a friend to critique my art. I believe this is the best way I can strengthen myself as a designer, as my peers may see many things that I may not. We decided on an appropriate size, and I am delighted with the outcome. Related website
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