Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Let Happiness Lead the Way: A Senior PSA by Haley Grant (2020)

My PSA is an image of a dog sniffing its way up a path that leads off into the distance of a hill towards a big bright with an aura of light coming off of it. On the right side of where the dog is sniffing upward comes my slogan, Let Happiness Lead the Way following the curves of the path. The dog's nose is leading him towards happiness which I represented by the sun. I personally strive to be happy every single day. It does require making a conscious choice and decision to wake up each morning and to try to be happy. By no means is it easy, but allowing yourself to be led by a single driving emotion of happiness, and making the conscious effort to be happy by doing something that makes you happy each day, I truly believe is the key. I hope to influence people to realize that you can be in charge of your own happiness. I chose bright colors to keep the PSA bright and happy, as my message was positive and inspiring.

I made this through the Adobe Illustrator application. I started by creating my sky and sun by creating two feathered circles, one behind another, both with a radial gradient. I used separate layers to put in the sky and then the hills and then the path and used a gradient leaving the effect of it looking farther away. I made a separate artboard to create my dog, adding highlights to it to create more dimension, and then placed it on the path correctly. I added my layout of my text to fit the path, by using the typing on a path tool. I made sure the word happiness was a brighter contrast to the other words and the background to emphasize the importance of it. I added some grass strokes to add a little more dimension to the background. Lastly, I did the clouds, which I struggled with greatly! I tried drawing little blob shaped clouds with the pen tool and lowering the opacity but it was not looking great. So I ended up looking up a YouTube video on how to make clouds on Illustrator and figured out all the steps to make these much more pretty and realistic looking clouds. Related website
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