Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Anatomy Circus: A Senior Surreal Photo by Ash Prodromou (2020)

I was motivated to express myself for this project, to create an image able to convey a feeling I wasn’t sure how to put into words. I tried to invoke the feelings of dysmorphia and absurdity I felt towards my own body. It often felt like I was trapped inside the skin of some repulsive animal, like a fish. I created myself as the sunfish in the center of the piece, with big bulging eyes and lips. I also wanted to demonstrate the way small things like features of our face can become twisted and warped over time, reflected by the oarfish covered in noses. Finally, I tried to replicate the overwhelming and unrealistic expectations for beauty with my foot sea anemone and hand anemones in the background. This piece was very cathartic for me, and I’m really happy to say that I’m proud of it. Related website
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