Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Insecurity: A Senior Surreal Photo by Avni Sardana (2020)

For my surreal project, I wanted to create a piece about feeling free from yourself. I started by pulling a base photo into Photoshop. This base photo came from a photoshoot I did about insecurities and the baggage it carries. I then brought in photos from the internet of the galaxy, fairy wings, and a wand. I specifically chose photos that had a more whimsical quality to them. This helped me portray my idea of embracing your insecurities and feeling free and happy by doing so.

It was hard for me to find a fitting color scheme, and I still feel as though I could have done a better job coordinating the colors. I also found it difficult to precisely uncover and trace the photos in Photoshop to make it look somewhat realistic and not sloppy, so this took me a long time. However, I am satisfied with my placement of the photos, because it looks like one cohesive image that tells the same story. Related website
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