Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Inclination: A Senior Surreal Photo by Emily McNally (2020)

My message in my Surreal Project is how humanity seems to be reaching for the next best thing, even if it is not what they thought it would be. The hands are reaching for a glowing orb, the only object giving off light in the desolate space. But inside are dead, colorless trees, a far cry from many people’s ideal world. I feel that humans have many desires, so many that when something has the potential to fill a desire, we go for it. There are pros and cons to this method. On one hand one may feel exuberant that they have reached their goal, hence I made the hand touching the orb at 100% opacity. Although, they may not be aware of what they have gotten themselves into.

The main struggle I encountered was what to do. I simultaneously had numerous ideas yet none at all. To get over this hurdle, I initially scrolled through old pictures to look and see if anything sparked my interest. I was able to combine and blend a few that worked for a short period of time, but later I felt that they were not cohesive and felt too separate. I wanted the viewer to be able to look at my piece, ponder it, then make their own interpretation rather than look at a jumble of random pictures. To overcome this block I focused on one aspect of the photo, the glass ball, and built my photo around it instead of trying to fit unnecessary components in.

I am most proud of the concept and idea behind the picture. I have thought of humanity and its desires for a while but didn’t think I could portray it in a picture. I will definitely use the skills I learned from this project in the future. Before I saw Photoshop as a bit daunting, but after learning about some of its tools and their applications I feel more at ease in the workspace. Related website
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