Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dreamed of: A Senior Surreal Photo by Emma Tei (2020)

For my Digital Media Surrealism assignment, we were assigned to demonstrate our use of different techniques on Photoshop to blend original pictures together to create a final surrealistic picture. For this assignment, I decided to base my theme off of a dream that I used to repetitively have when I was a child and represent the story through pictures that I took while traveling to Japan alone over the break. The title of the product is “Dreamed of”, and through blending different sceneries including aquarium, a statue of a cat, an unknown figure, and rain hitting against the window, I wanted to illustrate a youthful and fiction-like dream to remind myself of my imaginations that I used to have before.

Throughout the process of creating the product, I found it hard to blend and place each layer of pictures well through the use of Smart Objects and different settings, as many of the techniques were new to me. If I could make changes to the product in the future, I would add a few more objects into the picture, so that there is a deeper story to the picture as a whole. I am most satisfied with how I was able to blend the layers together to create a ‘soft’, surreal tone. In the future, I hope to apply what I have learned from this project to not only create surrealistic pictures, but also incorporate the techniques in other Animation and art related projects. Related website
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