Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Surf's Up!: A Senior Surreal Photo by Justin Meiseles (2020)

The surreal photo allows the artist to be as creative as they want. As I was scrolling through photos I’ve taken, I found one of my dad. It was underexposed and was poorly framed, but he was in focus, and he was making a funny face. I decided to use that photo because to me he looked like he was surfing. I looked on the internet for a photo of someone surfing, and edited his face onto it and I think it looks hilarious!

This makes me view other peoples creations in a whole new light. It was very difficult for me to find the correct order of layers, or to navigate to the correct filter (some things on Photoshop are so difficult to use). Seeing how other people are able to create more intricate, and smoother creations with so much ease makes me jealous, I want to be able to apply my creativity in as many ways as I can, but it is difficult to see so much talent around me. Related website
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