Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Life: A Senior Surreal Photo by Lauren Haragan (2020)

The message of my Surrealism project is that we are all floating through space gradually fading. Eventually, we will be completely gone and all through our lives we’re just trying to hold onto little pieces of ourselves. I grew by using a lot of new tools in Photoshop that I haven’t used before. Some of them I used in previous practice projects but forgot how to use them for this one. I went back to the assignments and rewatched the videos so that I could use them correctly. The biggest struggle I overcame was what images to use and what I wanted to do. It was like that age old conundrum of having too many choices. Personally, I believe that having too many choices can be as paralyzing as having none at all. If I could change anything I would change the background. It should have been a little bit darker and a little more neutral because the galaxy purple and pink was a little bit too much. I am most proud of my selections for this project because the refine edge tool and the vector masks made the edges come out a lot cleaner than before. I will use these skills in future projects in Photoshop and hopefully in the future. This project will teach me to look at every element of someone’s art and how all the pieces fit together instead of looking at the entire thing as one. Related website
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