Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sunsets in Outerspace: A Senior Surreal Photo by Leila Boisvert (2020)

For my Surreal Photoshop project, I wasn't really sure what to do at first. I knew I watned to combine two contrasting ideas and put them together in an image. I decided I wanted to do a beach and sunset background, so I found an image that I took a while ago. Then, I decided that I wanted to also use other outerspace/planet elements to incorparate into it. I decided to put the moon in three different stages (light, blue, black), and then add in a UFO. I thought this was very contrasting compared to the sunset and trees in the background. I also added in some dolphins on the bottom to add some animals into it. I grew in this project because I learned a lot more skills within Photoshop that I didn't know before that will definitely help me in future projects. Related website
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