Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Simba's Dream Home: A Senior Surreal Photo by Marie Godderis (2020)

My Surreal Photoshop project, titled “Simba’s Dream Home”, represents the surreal appearance of a house floating in the clouds. Through this project and the practice preparation assignments, I learned how to composite multiple images into one artwork through using skills like layering masks, blend modes, and texture/color adjustments. A challenge that I faced was initially coming up with the surreal artwork idea, and then determining how to go about the creation of the project. After those steps were taken, I was able to smoothly proceed with my project. If I were to change something, I would probably add a bit more intricacies in the house and maybe include something that is carrying the house in the sky. I am most proud of my ability to effectively and cleanly use the blend mode and layering masks with minimal experience beforehand. The skills learned from this will be very applicable to future projects, for example when I am working on a compositing project and must blend several images or colors together to create a cohesive piece. I really enjoy observing other artists’ surreal work, because each piece is so uniquely rooted in different ideas. Related website
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