Freestyle Academy proudly presents

KARMA: A Senior Surreal Photo by Nate Randolph (2020)

Karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. Putting good energy out in the universe and receiving that good energy back. This principle is how I live my life and I believe there is certain cause and effect for everything we do. We have to live life expecting good if we are good and even in the face of danger there is hope. When waves are crashing on you on one side there is another beautiful alpine mountain on the other. There is a balance of things in the universe and in the middle is you. you are alone and you are all that matters every decision you make should be for yourself and the good of others. I love nature so I chose to put the two conflicting sides of nature on two sides of each other to blend them together to make it almost look real. I put a towering tsunami wave on one side and a beautiful Italian alp on the other. I did this because I wanted to combine the two to make it seamless and I love the mountains and the beach, I think both have their ups and downs. In the middle of the conflict I chose to put a ring of fire with a meditating person in the middle to show that even in the biggest crises of your life you can find yourself and regenerate a balance in your life. Related website
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