Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Healer of the Ages: A Senior Surreal Photo by Neekie Salehi (2020)

My piece 'Healer of the Ages' was inspired by my love for the things that can't be seen but are spiritually known to exist. Just because people can't see it's existence that doesn't mean it isn't true. The piece is a take on my belief that things could be very different in another universe. Angels can be seen and maybe even flowers grow out of their heads but we don't know. This can be a perspective change for others and their belief for the things unseen. Maybe those are overlooking the spiritual world and its power.

Something that was an issue during this process was aligning the flowers properly with heads and using the proper Photoshop tools to align it and blend it. The process of blending the individual aspects into the pictures, like the flowers, bees and birds was difficult because I wanted them to blend into the picture nicely. I had to make my brush very small and fine so that I would get really close to the outlines of the image. One way I grew during this process is from learning to be more patience with small details. I learned about spending more time planning on what I want but incorporating ideas in my picture but also going with the new ideas that come to me while I'm making it. Related website
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