Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Summer Dreams: A Senior Surreal Photo by Nicky Krammer (2020)

When creating the piece for this composition I tried to create what I would usually day dream during a warm relaxing summer. When I first created this piece I was thinking of my past summer and how relaxing and quiet it was. The struggles I had countered during this project was coming up with an idea of what mixes well with a hot relaxing summer. The way I overcame this was thinking back on my experience and thinking of the things that makes me feel relaxed and have fun. If anything I would probably add more relaxing objects like beach benches or cabanas. I would change it by putting them floating in the skies. Thing I'm proud with this is how well I was able to blend the objects with one another. I would use this for the future by making my thumbnails for upcoming video projects to look more realistic. It made me realize that I can make anything blend or mix together. Related website
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