Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Candy Land: A Senior Surreal Photo by Oliver Camp (2020)

My project is about the future. I envisioned a world where the Earth turns into a cookie and where we are riding roller coasters and eating McDonald’s with aliens. I learned the importance of picking really good quality images because with bad quality images, it's very hard to use the quick selection tool. I have one image that fit my idea perfectly, but the image quality was only decent. This resulted in a less clean selection, but I think the placement and idea outweighed it. Of course, I also grew as a digital artist/Photoshop artist. I got better at using curves and the quick selections tool. If I could change something, I would change the moon to be a fun amusement park. I feel like the moon does give the photo a sense of reality, but also I think it would be fun to add the park. I’m really proud of the cookie. I didn’t know how it would turn out, but I was really happy with how the cookie blends in with the earth. I hope to apply these new skills on future projects. This project changed the way that I see digital art. I realized how much detail goes into it. It also requires a lot of precision when making the edits. Related website
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