Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Addicted: A Senior Surreal Photo by Ryan Abe (2020)

During the Surreal Project, we were tasked with creating a surreal photoshop composited image to create a visually pleasing metaphor. For my project, I decided to make a statement on the current state of technology. I combined four separate images into one to create my image. The four images, wires, cracks, a blue crash screen, and an eye, combine to show what could happen when one becomes too addicted to technology. The eye’s pupil is replaced with a computer crash screen, echoing the feeling that the technology user has. His eyelids are dried out and replaced with wires.

If I were to change it, I would definitely spend more time polishing the edges of the masks. Around the eyelid, the images don’t exactly line up all the way. If I were to redo it, I would make sure that the images line up and the masks correctly line up with the eyelid.

I am most proud of learning how to composite images. I believe that this skill will be very useful in the future and I can definitely see myself playing with photoshop and compositing images more in the future. Related website
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