Freestyle Academy proudly presents

RyeV-Photoshop Surrealism Artist Statement: A Senior Surreal Photo by Rye Vogt (2020)

During this art project, I was trying to think of some subjects that would work for a realistic type of Photoshop. However, I found this challenging of stuff I could think of, so I decided to think of things I do for a hobby. One of those things was spray painting. I thought it would be a great idea to get a nice white wall and then put on two pieces of different art and make it look like it was spray-painted into the wall.

One of the hardest parts for me was learning how to cut photos out of other photos, and didn't remember the commands for making images smaller than others and other images bigger. It gave me a refresher on last year's stuff and made me improve by remembering the combinations on the keyboards to get the right tools you need for the art piece you work on.

If I could change it or have more time to work on this, I would add a lot more stuff to the wall through the skills I have learned over the last couple of hours. I would love to find ways to connect each piece of art into one giant blob that looks like someone spray-painted on the wall. I am proud of my learning water painting, as well as Smart cuts. In future projects, I will use the skills to help me make posters or cut out photos of me, put them on to cards for people, and make my movie posters. This project got me to see art in a whole new way and showed me that anyone has the skill to make anything they want in this world. Related website
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