Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Song of the Trees: A Senior Surreal Photo by Amara Lin (2020)

My Surreal Project surrounds the connection between music, nature, and expression. The guitar in the center is crafted in a tree, and the surrounding trees can be seen dancing. This is to show how music has the ability to pull us all together and bring out a simplistic beauty. As a musician, I’ve seen this unity occur through artistic expression throughout my entire life. I’ve always loved and been drawn to surrealism. Creating the unknown is so intriguing to me, so I really appreciated this new lens that I’ve been offered. I’ve realized the many possibilities that digital art brings, as well as some disadvantages. I look forward to exploring these abilities more to create personalized art of mine.

I did face a challenge when trying to make the blending and morphing look smooth and seamless. For example, the guitar strings were lost when I added the tree knot in the center of it. Therefore I had to improvise and copy them onto a new layer to have them stand out. This area, after a lot of work and frustration, ended up being my favorite part of the composition as it looks the smoothest and most natural to me. I also faced a huge challenge when trying to turn the trees into dancers. I used actual photos of people and had to add texture and color to them, which took a lot of tweaking. I eventually deleted the dancers and started over because it simply didn’t look right the first time. Sometimes instead of trying to stick a bandaid on an issue you have it’s better to just start over. A clean slate can go a long way. The blending still isn’t perfect, but I definitely improved and improvised along the way to come to a finished product that I’m proud of. Now looking at other Photoshop and composition art I have a lot more appreciation for how complicated it really is. The details are so important and it takes a lot of focus and time to make it look professional. Related website
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