Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Surreal Nike Ad: A Senior Surreal Photo by Soren Robinson (2020)

First things first, if you haven’t noticed already, look at the shoes my main subject is wearing and you will see that they are in fact Nike shoes. This will explain the name a little bit, as I could imagine a huge slogan of Just Do It in the sky, but I wasn’t brave enough to actually put that in. I hope that this art brings the sense of wonder and amazement that it did for me

This composition doesn’t really have any important message, but in terms of knowledge and skills learned, it is a very important progression step. Of course I am very proud of how it all came together, but the techniques I learned are much more valuable to me than the art itself. I have wanted to learn how to use Photoshop better for all of last year where I was only able to understand adjustment layers until this year.

In compositing all my photos together, I learned how to use masking layers and how to color correct the selections so that they fit better in the piece as a whole. It was sometimes difficult to be patient in making the selections, so I’m either going to have to get faster at making them while preserving the quality, or I’ll just have to learn to be more patient with this process as a whole. Because I am so excited with how my piece came together, I am slowly learning even more compositional techniques that will only make my art better. There are things that I am learning now that would have made this piece more complete, but I have to live with the fact that it is done. I won’t be touching this piece even though I am very tempted to because I want to use it as a benchmark for my first Photoshop composition that I can work from and compare to later. Related website
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