Freestyle Academy proudly presents

American Dream: A Senior Surreal Photo by Victoria Lam (2020)

This photo composite is inspired by Americana imagery, with the suburb, the field, the little pictures of Jesus and Mary, and the white girl. I added the bouquet of flowers, the birds and ravens, and the dark water because to me, those things symbolize death. The idea of living like this, which seems to be what people think of when they want to move to America, seems so static to me, it's almost like death.

To make this, I searched randomly on Google images. I didn't know what I was going to make, and I kind of just let the searches lead me to an idea. In Photoshop, I brought the photos together using layer masks. I really liked the sort of honeyed lighting that was in the photo with the girl and the curtain, and I tried to replicate that lighting in the raven and the flower bouquet, though I don't think I did it that well. I used lots of adjustment layers to try to make the colors fit together as best as I could, and I think that in total, the colors in the picture are really nice. Related website
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