Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Notice: A Senior Surreal Photo by Vivian Huang (2020)

The main message of my Surreal Project is about climate change. A while ago, I found out that even giraffes are going extinct now. I was really shocked and heartbroken when I heard about that. This triggered me to express my thoughts and feelings through this project. I hope more people can see what humans have done to so many animals on the planet and understand that we will eventually hurt ourselves and next generations as well if more people can’t realize the significance of this topic.

When doing this project, I was not so satisfied with how the whole thing looked. But after I added some color correction to the objects, everything looks more in harmony. It was really fun to express surrealism through Photoshop because I used to express it only through drawing. Everything was sort of new to me, so I spent a lot of time on getting familiar with the tools and techniques. And now, I am not only more comfortable with using my Photoshop skills, but I am also able to create meaningful artwork with them. Related website
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