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Abstract Aquarius Art: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Alayna Lee (2021)

For my Aborigine art piece, I worked on creating something that best represents my zodiac through Aboriginal symbols. The symbols I used to create this piece were clouds, mountains, and stars. The reason I chose these three in specific is because Aquarius is an air sign. With that in mind, I used the symbols around the entire piece to demonstrate the air element's connection with the other elements of land, water, and fire. Land, represented by the mountain, ties around the water from the Aquarius pitcher. It is also surrounded by the fire of the stars, moon, and sun, further demonstrating the main component of the air element’s humanitarian trait being tied to the rest of the elements. In addition, I decided to use the more well known Aquarius zigzag design, the air symbol, and the Aquarius constellation.

To create this piece, I had to keep in mind the history of Aboriginal paintings. The difficulties I went through were mostly with the creation process. I went through a few sketches trying to emulate the style of Aboriginal paintings with no specific perspective to a landscape. I also struggled with color selection, having to pick more earthy tones and increase my usage of white within my piece. I also went through the tedious process of using dots for most of the elements without knowing if they would ultimately be appealing in the end. However, I am overall proud of how the final piece turned out and think that my process would be to pick base colors first if I were to do this project differently. Related website
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