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Aboriginal Art: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Meri Sanders (2021)

Throughout my Aborigine art piece, I have included several symbols to represent my story. To start, I was born in April and my star sign is Aries so I chose to relate part of my work to that. I included the constellation as well as the symbol for the planet Mars. As for Aboriginal symbols, I chose to use four different ones in my piece. To go along with the focal point of the planet symbol and constellation I used a moon. I also used the fire symbol since Aries is a fire sign. Finally, I included stars and clouds to represent myself, my friends, and my family.

I started this piece by sketching out how I wanted to create the layout for my design. I initially wanted to focus on just the constellation but I really liked the moon and Mars symbol so I chose to incorperate them into the focal point as well. After I sketched out my rough outline I began to choose my colors. Since Aborginal art is typically very earthy I went with earth-toned versions of the primary colors. In order for the moon, constellation, and Mars symbols to stand out I used a secondary color, orange, to create emphasis. One problem I had throughout the piece was making sure I didn’t cluster too many dots in one place. When I first started my piece I thought I would fill in all the fire symbols in their centers but I ended up only filling in two so it wouldn’t be overwhelming. Another problem I ran into was making sure my focal point truly stood out. Though I used a brighter color for the three symbols, I still feel as though it wasn’t enough. If I were to change anything I would redo the colors because they seem a bit dull and I could’ve brought more life to the piece. Related website
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