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Home Sweet Home: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Vikash Kumar (2021)

In my Aboriginal painting, I created a painting focusing on a resting place surrounded by nature. In the center of the painting is the symbol for a resting place, home. I have a big emphasis on home as it brings me comfort and warmth. Above the resting place is my zodiac sign of Libra, which is a scale that has leaves flowing out of them. Down below, is a mountain range, which represents my relationship with nature as I’m fond of the outdoors. In each corner, you will see my star symbol for a libra, and as well as the symbol for air as it is my element.

I started this piece with the resting place at the center, and including multiple shades of brown to stay true to the aboriginal art style as they used rocks and plants to make paint. Next, I painted the mountain range dark green, however, it felt empty. To compensate for the negative space, I incorporated multiple sizes of white dots as white paint was also important in aboriginal painting. The first challenge I came across was deciding how to place my symbol. With its shape being hard to fit within my painting, I settled on placing it on top to give the painting more of an emphasis on the center. Another challenge I struggle with was figuring out how to place the air symbol within the painting. There aren’t many symbols for air, so I decided to create my own symbol based on the water symbol. I placed it in the corner with purple tones to represent the winds coming from above. Last was my star symbol. I place it in the other corner and then proceeded to paint white dots across the painting to represent the night sky. Related website
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