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In Bloom: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Caleb Pierce (2021)

In my piece, I used the symbols of stars, clouds, meeting points, and a small amount of fire in the outer quarter circles. The stars are scattered around in a variety of colors, along with a very large central one. The central star is supposed to be a sort of amalgamation of the eight outer stars, feeding together to create one, which I used to represent myself, and being an amalgamation of all of the experiences I've had in my life. I used half yellow and half blue, because the stars Pollux and Castor are yellow and blue, respectively. The integration of my zodiac sign, Gemini, continues on the inside of the star, with a cloud representing the air in my sign. There is a symbol for meeting point above the cloud, showing the combination of everything aforementioned with the stars. The vines are meant to represent ones bounds to the Earth, almost holding you down while you look up at the heavens. The outer four quarter circles have small symbols of fire within, which is meant to represent more meeting points, with the layered concentric circles, but as well continues the theme of multiple points leading to a person, with the fire representing internal passion.

Making this piece, my original idea wasn't quite up to par, with it involving perspective and first-person type of idea. I didn't like my second idea, and the third just didn't make sense. Finally, on the fourth attempt, I started something I liked. I utilized layers in Photoshop, which might be cheating, but I am an unapologetic cheater when it makes work a lot easier. I started with the central circle, which felt incomplete, so I added the vines and quarter circles. I felt like it needed more, so I brought in the smaller stars, and finally did a layer of very dark grey dots on the black background to add texture and make it not so boring to look at. Related website
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