Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Gemini Abrorigine: A Aboriginal Dot Painting by Evelyn Yaskin (2021)

For this art project, we were required to imitate art styles used by the aboriginal Australians. This type of art is based largely on symbols. I chose to use the symbols of people sitting, as well as the air/smoke. The people sitting represent the value of family, which is something that I value most in my life, and this is why I placed it right at the top of the deer’s head. The air/smoke symbol represents my air sign of Gemini. I used the deer to represent Gemini’s spirit animal, fun and intelligent creatures. My art piece is also symmetrical, representing the twin aspect of Geminis. Geminis are represented by the Great Twins, regarded as minor gods, named “The One who has arisen from the Underworld,” and “The Mighty King.”

I began this piece by creating a color scheme on Adobe Color, including reds, oranges, browns, and blues. Nature tones like browns and oranges were commonly used in aboriginal artwork. Next, I drew the outline of the deer, which I knew I was going to put right in the center. Next, I drew dots around the deer to create detail and interest. I then created a new layer to put the people sitting symbol, with dots inside. I then drew dotted outlines of the hands, with a design in the middle. I created a sort of vortex around the hands, and lines connecting them to the deer in the middle. I decided to create a “bridge” between the hands and the deer, and drew dots in the middle connecting everything together. Lastly, I drew the Gemini constellation, and the air symbols, without taking up too much negative space. The problems I encountered along the way was that I didn’t have enough visual interest. For this reason, I created small dots all around the piece, including on the tan dots on the bottom, and black and red dots around the outline of the deer. Related website
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