Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Crushed Childhood: A Senior Surreal Photo by Carly Watson (2021)

The day I started this project, I had just cranked out multiple college essays and was starting to feel a little defeated. As I watched my little sisters playing Peppa Pig, I thought about what I thought high school would be like. When I was little, I always imagined myself going to hundreds of parties, having millions of friends, having straight A+’s, and getting into any college I wanted to. I reasoned that once I was “big and cool,” and I could drive, I’d have my life together and I could do anything I wanted.
Unfortunately, that has not been the reality of high school. Of course, there have been many amazing people I’ve met, some fun parties I’ve been to, and I’ve enjoyed the freedom driving has given me. But… it's a lot of work. Sometimes, it’s so much work that even when you do your best, you don’t achieve the results you want. This year I have worked harder than I ever have in a class, and I still am struggling with it. It’s a harsh reality to face. I sometimes think that I have a “good work ethic but not good work.” What happens then?

With these feelings of nostalgia, stress, and frustration all wrapped up into a day, the idea for “Crushed Childhood” was born. In this piece, the piñata in the corner represents a tween about to enter high school. Although they’ve always thought growing up was all fun and good, they now see that this isn’t always the case. The piñata in the middle got broken apart, and instead of candy and toys raining down, homework, tears, and a broken heart came falling out. It’s too late though. The little piñata can’t turn back.
The little piñata will try to warn his younger friends, but they won’t believe him until they see it for themselves. And then it will be too late.

In terms of the actual technological aspect of this piece, here’s a word of advice: whatever you do, don’t try to use a clipping mask on a piñata, it takes forever to make it look good with all the frills and texture. Nevertheless, it was worth it to see my creative vision come into place. I loved using all the different tools and features of Photoshop that I haven’t had much time to explore. I also appreciated the freedom this assignment gave me because since it is surreal, I was able to do unrealistic things and combinations that aren’t usually acceptable in realistic photo editing. Related website
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