Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Great Success: A Senior Surreal Photo by Chloe Burcell (2021)

I decided to make a political cartoon for this project. Mr. Florendo said this could be funny, so I got the idea to photoshop Borat and the current president in a scene together with Rudy Giuliani. The message of this is that America is not actually a great success right now, politicians and leadership is kind of a wreck. But Borat enjoys it.

I used clipping mask and blending techniques. I used clipping masks to make my layers work, I blended with the brush tool, and used different color filters with different opacities to make the rainbow look semi realistic.

I honestly thought this was fun! You don't have to take this assignment too seriously if you don't want to, which I enjoyed. I feel like this is a lot more creative and liberating than natural composition, which seems to require more skill. Related website
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