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Open Cities: A Senior Surreal Photo by Owen Peterson (2021)

The message that my surreal composition is conveying is that the city and nature are one in the same in that they all come from the same materials. The earth provided us with the materials to make the city, so we have to give it some recognition for that. The window and the door give us a peek into the city showing that it's not as dense as it may seem. You can see me looking at it in the reflection of the windows on the right side, showing that it’s how I am seeing everything. Obama represents the people in the city, he is looming over the building giving a speech, telling everyone the message in the image.

The techniques that I found most effective in this piece are the paintbrush on masking layers as well as the “Select and Mask” tool. I was also able to use the perspective warp tool for the door to make it appear like it's actually a part of the building rather than just a picture.

I think that Surreal Compositions are much more thought intensive than Realistic Compositions because there are much fewer rules to follow. It makes it more difficult to wrap my head around what I actually want out of the picture since the idea is not to just make it look pleasing to the eye. However, it is also more fun because there are no closed doors in the Surreal Composition, you can place whatever you imagine in the image. Related website
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