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Dove in the Dark: A Senior Surreal Photo by Sara Twiggs (2021)

I’m not exactly sure of the message I’m trying to convey with this piece. In an earlier idea, a black ooze would pour out instead of the light rising up like smoke. In that draft, eyes growing out of the walls watched on. It was supposed to convey the feeling of the worst parts of yourself spilling out of you for all to see. But in this iteration, there is instead light surrounding a dove, the universal symbol for peace. This version conveys a more hopeful method, I think. Perhaps it shows a peace that can be found even in the darkest spots.

One of my favorite techniques was changing the color of a single aspect of the image. It makes each image I’ve added seem like it fits into the scene. It also allowed me to turn a picture of a split pomegranate into something that looks like a wound on the dog. That little fact has to be one of my favorite easter eggs in this image.

Surrealism has to be one of my favorite genres. It challenges the rational mind and ventures into the wonderful realm of absurdity. So when it comes to surreal versus realistic compositions, it’s hardly a question. Realistic compositions do have their uses, but it seems that for the most part it’s about fixing a flaw or adding something you want to be there. Realistic compositions are a supplement to photography. Surreal compositions, on the other hand, build off of art and photography to become an entirely new medium. Related website
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