Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Growth: A Phenakistoscope Wheel by Eli Ladd (2022)

“Growth” is my Phenakistoscope Wheel that the juniors in the animation create. The goal of a phenakistoscope wheel is to rotate the wheel on a fixed point, and if you look at one “section”, it looks like it is a fluid loop. When I started creating this piece, I knew I wanted the Sun in the center, as I have seen many other circular works of art with a sun at the center. Going off of that, I Wanted a Bee to be moving up and down, and with that, the growth of plants! Many times while creating this wheel, I kept coming up with new ideas, so it was a challenge for me to stick to the path that I set for myself. It was also hard to challenge myself to create better art, so I kept redrawing everything until I knew it improved it in some way. If I could redo it, I would create more consistent or solid coloring lines. I think I am most proud of the smooth growth of the plants when you rotate the wheel at a consistent speed. As this was one of the first projects we do in animation, it gives me a perspective and appreciation on how animation evolved over time. Related website
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