Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Family: A Senior PSA by Alessandro Valdevit (2021)

For the PSA project, Seniors at Freestyle academy were tasked with creating a Public Service Announcement about something that needs to change. For my project I decided to go with a message that a lot of people in the Silicon Valley might need to hear and that is to make time for family. To portray the message I used the imagery of an empty chair and plate next to a family of two. This is meant to represent a deceased family member and goes to show that life's too short to not spend time at least once a day with your family at the dinner table. I also used a sad deep violet color which I complimented with a happy yellow font which was meant to invoke a bitter-sweet feeling.

To create this project I used a DSLR camera on a tripod along with my Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator editing skills. After taking the pictures and picking out the best one, I took the image into photoshop for cropping and edits to the lighting. Once the image was ready I was able to bring it into illustrator and use the image tracing tool to create the “crayon like '' drawing seen in the final product. Related website
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