Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sunshine!: A Senior PSA by Miranda Hernandez (2021)

In my Public Service Announcement, I wanted to evoke inspiration and positivity for all viewers. In sync with my Personal Essay for English, my message revolved around following your dreams. To transmit my message, I used warm colors (red and yellows) to mimic sunshine qualities. I arranged my PSA by setting stormy clouds surrounding the overhead while at the bottom, I placed an image of my sister with her eyes closed and hands entwined, placed on her stomach. Coming from the various grey clouds, I placed two shadow arms reaching towards the closed eyed girl. This is meant to symbolize unexpected difficulties that accumulate over time and that affect one more than not. However, the red halo behind the girl represents the inner strength everyone carries. Going outwards, the rays of light coming from the halo and girl displays the choice to apply the inner strength to real life situations, which as a consequence helps build greater resilience and confidence. This is demonstrated by the cutting through of the shadow arms by the rays of light.

Using Illustrator, I used Live Paint to transform the photograph’s details to instead have a paint-like quality. By discovering how to change the same colored objects uniformly, I was able to escape the tediousness of changing. It helped speed my progress since the image was broken into smaller shapes. In addition, on Illustrator, I continued adjusting the colors until there was enough contrast to distinguish between forms. I used the Pencil tool and Curvature tool to create thorny storm clouds. Using shades of grey, I wanted to create apprehension in the viewer. With sparing use of bright red, I created contrast in order to make the viewer feel empowered and energized. Related website
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