Freestyle Academy proudly presents

ADHD PSA: A Senior PSA by Noah Esparza (2021)

For this project I created a PSA for ADHD. In my PSA you can see dead plants turning into fresh and healthy plants. My PSA shows a negative side and a positive side of what dealing with ADHD feels like with dead plants on the border, negative comments surrounding a picture of me that shows me sad with a grey background. The other side of the PSA shows healthy plants on the border with positive comments surrounding a picture of me that shows a happier me behind a yellow background. My idea behind it was to show other kids who are also struggling with ADHD that you can overcome it and show how my experiences can influence them by giving them hope and motivation.

I made this PSA by using some photos I took of some dead and alive plants around my house. I then used Image Trace in Adobe Illustrator to give the plants a drawn out look with different shades of color. I repeated this Image Trace with the two pictures I took of myself showing two different emotions. After this process I used the text tool to write out different thoughts and placed them around both photos of myself to create this sort of outline around the photos. After this I then created a gradient background color. I used a black/grey ish color to have it go from black to a much more positive and happier color. Going with yellow I then added it to my gradient background color having it faded from black to yellow showing that I overcame my challenge. I struggled mainly with figuring out how I wanted to create my PSA and where I wanted things to be places. I overcame it by creating an outline for placements. Related website
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