Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Brulee Coffee Company: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Evelyn Yaskin (2021)

For this project, I started out by choosing which product I wanted to use. I ended up going with a caramel and chocolate based coffee bean company. I then created a logo, a label design, a triptych, and a magazine advertisement. For my triptych, I used three different products with my logo on it. I used a picture of the basic beans, and a coffee cup. I also used a basic tote bag, as well as a sweatshirt. For my magazine ad, I then used a picture of the coffee cup and beans, and I placed the logo as well as some other graphic elements, to sell my product! I also included the company’s tagline: “The friendly coffee,” as well as a blurb about where the beans are produced, and what comes into making the product.

To create my triptych, I began by using, and placing my logo and label design onto different images, such as the sweatshirt, beans, coffee cup, and tote bag. I downloaded these photos, uploaded them into Photoshop and formatted them into one document with borders on either side. For my magazine ad, I started out by making a new blank spreadsheet in InDesign. I created a gradient for the background, as well as pasting in my “coffee drips” from my original logo. I chose a font that I liked for all of the text. I also placed an image of my coffee cup, and included writing with more information about the coffee beans. I also included a drawing of two coffee beans that I drew in Illustrator. I really enjoyed this project overall and I would love to do something similar again! Related website
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