Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Creation of the World: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Alayna Lee (2021)

The story of my painting is the backstory of my pastel painting. I decided to create a character who acts as the creator of the universe. My pastel painting is her current state of creation and watch over nature. She runs the ocean, the sky, and the land giving all her soul to the world. I show in the pastel painting that she doesn’t have wings. This goes into the backstory of this character which is shown in my watercolor drawing. It was her who found the beauty of nature and used the moon to create the world. At the right moment in time, the stars and moon aligned and she flew up to the moon and sacrificed her wings to take care of it.

The first meaningful connection I found was to trust yourself when painting and persevering through the rough by enjoying the progress made. The second connection I made was painting when you find inspiration rather than forcing yourself to. The third and final connection I made was to enjoy the process of learning new media and different techniques.

The biggest thing I valued about the digital watercolor painting rather than the pastel one was the way you had to consider the different layers. You had to take into account the idea of layering the “paint” on top of each other and how it gets more opaque when you continuously color on top of it. Although it wasn’t completely the same as analog painting, it felt closer than I expected it too, especially with how I used the different brushes. Although I really enjoy digital painting and the convenience of being able to easily manipulate the canvas, I mostly enjoy the process of analog watercolor painting more. This is because I rather have the enjoyment of creation and be better tied with the canvas and how I want to do each brush stroke and blend. It also allows me to use combined media and better express the use of texture. Related website
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