Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Blueberry Flowers: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Carly Watson (2021)

Blueberry Flowers is my first painting I painted in Photoshop. This project definitely morphed and changed dramatically from the time I started painting to the finished product. I used a picture of my sister holding this dandelion as the reference photo, and painted directly over it so that I could get used to painting in Photoshop before I tried doing it without a guide. Even with the guide, it took a lot of trial and error to get the flower how I wanted it.

I worked on the rest of the painting- I painted my sister’s hand, arm, shirt, and the background, but I was not satisfied with the way it turned out because the rest of the painting seemed to crowd out and distract from the central part of the painting (the flower). So I decided to try something different. I ended up erasing everything except the flower and made a wallpaper/screensaver with it. I thought this was a valuable process to see come together because I am happy with the end result.

I learned that when I am able to be flexible and let my original plans go, great things can happen. I think that had I held onto my original idea, it would have not turned out and I wouldn’t have been happy with it. Learning to scrap something completely and start new is something I have recently been working on in all aspects of my life, and this was a good example of that for me. Related website
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