Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bowl of Ramen: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Chloe Weng (2021)

Creating a painting in Photoshop was a fun and different experience for me because I am used to traditional art. I think it was a little more difficult because blending colors and achieving a smooth look was much harder in Photoshop. However, it was easier to match the colors and get a more accurate image. Overall, the experience was slightly tedious, but nonetheless enjoyable and I liked the final outcome.

I valued learning more about how to use Photoshop’s painting functions. It was nice becoming more familiar with the many tools and painting with the Wacom tablet. This experience gave me a newfound respect for digital artists because the process was far more difficult than I expected. Regardless, I was glad to have tried it and had the opportunity to paint something I have wanted to for a while.

While creating my pastel painting, I found that I am generally detail-oriented and I like incorporating as many colors and values as possible. This meant using the eyedropper tool countless times, trying to get an accurate picture. Related website
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