Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dripping Butterfly: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Evelyn Yaskin (2021)

I really enjoyed bringing watercolor to the digital world in this project. I got to explore new brushes, and ways to use them differently. One thing I noticed was that details were harder to draw with watercolor brushes, since everything overlapped and became darker with more layers.

I decided to do more of an abstract art piece then a super detailed one for this exact reason. Overall, I liked watercolor painting more because the effect it gave off was so much cooler, and there are a lot more things you can do with watercolor, for example- shading.

Watercolor is very much a different style than pastel painting, and with photoshop you can clearly see this. I enjoyed being able to use different types of brushes to have different effects come through. With this project, I learned the importance of being confident with your lines, because with each additional layer, colors would get more opaque or darker and would overlap with others. Related website
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