Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mountains from Memory: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Hannah Kitamura (2021)

My painting tells the story of nature, and how odd nature can be. There’s so many times where I’ll hear something about a natural wonder in the world, and I’m always taken aback by how amazing it is for so many things to be natural phenomenons, when they always seem to be something unrealistic.

With my experience with this project, I found that my culture, nature, and discovery are three meaningful connections I found to be relevant with this piece. One of the most famous Japanese symbols is the red sun. I wanted to incorporate something that tied in slightly with my heritage, which is why I included it. I also truly appreciate nature and discovering new things, something that I took for granted pre-pandemic. I wanted to try to abstract paint what I’ve come to appreciate.

I enjoyed the freedom of this project, but I think that the overall methods for both watercolor and pastel painting are quite different. I do believe that both require an artistic vision, but watercolor requires more creativity, while pastel painting requires precision. I think that digital and analog painting are both fun to try. Related website
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