Freestyle Academy proudly presents

From Summit to Shore: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Harrison Denman (2021)

The photo subjects I chose were mainly those from my childhood home, and the effects and the ways I applied them were somewhat representative of how I remember them. One of the photos is of a place where I will soon be living, so I suppose in a subconscious way I have created a story of moving forward, if you overthink it enough.

I liked some of the effects I was able to create, though often I felt like there were ways I could have made the images better in ways that I could not figure out how to with my knowledge of the software. Some of these problems I was able to get help with but for others I still need more practice and experimentation.

While I liked some of the outcomes I was able to create with this effect, on a personal level it feels too easy to just apply some filters and call it a day. However, making quick art like this can be very useful in creating assets for various things, for instance in 3d. And of course Filters like these can be applied in larger art projects to amplify a certain style. Related website
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