Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Flume: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Jamie Maclean (2021)

I had a really good experience creating my pastel painting. It was super relaxing and fun to come into class everyday, put on music, and just continue to work on my painting. It almost felt like a coloring book and it was really satisfying to see how much further I had come in the process everyday as I continued to work on it.

I really valued that we got to focus on another artist’s piece of work. It allowed me to really notice every detail of the painting because I was repainting them all myself. I noticed a lot more details than I ever would if I had just looked at the art once. I also really valued the project because it taught me how difficult it is to make paintings. It has made me really appreciate the detail that goes into making every art piece.

This project has taught me that I learn best when I am actually creating something and can develop my skills as I create, rather than just learning from others. Throughout the process, I found myself changing my techniques and strategies that I used to create this piece so that I could capture the color and realism of the original piece. This was one of my favorite parts of the process and the main reason why it was so satisfying to finish because as I continued, I kept getting better and better at using the tools in photoshop to paint. Related website
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