Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Sunset Plains: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Alex Chen (2021)

The photos I converted into watercolor paintings were from my photography class in my sophomore year at Mountain View High School. I was proud of those photos because they captured the beauty of nature. I wanted to have a general theme between all of my photos, and choosing pictures of flowers, trees, and butterflies was perfect because they also caught the essence of life. Within all of my artworks, they were all close-up photos of an object. I focused on flowers, a butterfly, and a paisley-shaped leaf. These objects were all a part of other objects, just like them, but the close-up showed the details and differences that made them unique.

Using the filters and textures was new and very fun. As a first-year freestyle student, learning about the different tools of photoshop was interesting. At first, I was very confused and nervous about creating a watercolor painting on photoshop but also creating a cloud like effect to reveal the painting was amazing. This assignment was a process because I thought my art looked very ugly with the different layers. But continuing to add the layers and see the artwork turn into something cool is something that I will always apricate in art. Looking back, I was proud of myself because I was able to say, “I made that.”

I could use these techniques for my own artwork, using them for not only watercolor paintings. The effect was like a cloud that slowly faded and revealed the image or a cloud that grew and only showed little details of the picture. As a film student, I could use the cloud-like effect in my scenes and gain a different perspective. In the future, I would like to try to use the watercolor effect for other kinds of paintings, not specifically watercolor, or even combine multiple effects from future projects that I do in digital media. Related website
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