Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Watercolor Effect: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Kelly Lam (2021)

Though my watercolor effect photos are all very different from each other, they each tell a story that is personal to me. The first one I took with my Iphone camera when I last visited Hong Kong in 2018 to visit my extended family. The second and third ones I found online, one of a black cat because if I were to own a cat it would be a black cat, and another one of a frog holding a tiny banjo because I resonate with him on a spiritual level.

I think using filters in this way is very neat, and it can greatly improve or change an image in a dramatic way. Though not all of my attempts turned out the way I wanted them to, for example, some of the photos I chose while experimenting ended up not looking as much like real watercolor paintings than some of my other ones. I may remember to use these techniques in the future for photo editing and perhaps in creating digital paintings as well. Related website
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