Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Just Once: A Senior Digital Watercolor Painting by Leanna Chun (2021)

I finally finished watching a series of games that I started over 3 years ago. After school I would look forward to watching them as they were posted on Youtube, and I can’t believe I’ve finally completed the series. The character in my painting resembles one of my favorite characters from the final game, and she’s playing the piano because that’s her talent. As for the background, I’m not quite sure why I chose a snowy scene because I originally wanted to do an ocean, but I changed my mind in the middle of the painting. I just wanted to do a peaceful scene, because that completely contrasts what happens in the game.

For this piece in particular, I really resonated with the statement, “Making Art Is a Search, Not a Final Discovery”. Given that this was my first time trying to imitate traditional watercolor paintings digitally, it was a step out of my comfort zone, but regardless I did enjoy it. Additionally, I also liked Gerald F. Brommer’s statement: “Relax, enjoy, and absorb as many ideas as seem to fit your current painting experience. Enjoy the journey”. The plan for this artwork changed multiple times as I was working, which stressed me out a little because I didn’t have an overall idea of what I wanted the piece to look like when I was finished, but I still enjoyed the experience of doing something new. Finally, I appreciated Angela Fehr’s thoughts that paintings that are special can be ones where you have shown the most skill, but also ones that you can see the development of your style. I could’ve used a photograph from the internet and recreated it in Photoshop so I wouldn’t have to think about the subject of the painting, but I decided to create an original piece, although it took a lot of brainstorming.

I really enjoyed the process of trying to create a digital painting while trying to emulate the style of traditional watercolor. I had a fun time testing out different brushes, and trying to make my digital painting look like a piece of tangible artwork. I actually prefer analog painting over digital painting, and I think it’s because I like the feel of the paper. In my free time, I don’t do very much digital artwork, and my first experience with digital art was only a couple years ago, whereas I’ve been doing analog art for as long as I can remember. Related website
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