Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bleecker St.: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Lleyton Brouwer (2021)

Photoshop Pastel Painting was a very long and tedious process for me. I was adamant about getting details in the front sections of my painting correct, such as the lighting of the main subject or the cars on the street. Multiple times, I had to re-do certain sections of my drawing because opacity was being an annoying problem, constantly making my brushstrokes 90% opaque, and me not noticing until much later because I was not checking very often. Eventually, I got this to stop, and the process was much more efficient after that.

I valued the stamina and patience I had to build up during this project. I also never really understood just how much detail there was in photos - if I was actually determined to paint every detail in the background, I would have taken four times as long, probably. I think I will definitely be doing this kind of project again in my own time.

I learned that I’m a pretty fast learner of digital art during this project. At the beginning, I was very bad at everything - key shortcuts to switch between brushes, eyedroppers, and selection tools; actually drawing with the Wacom tablets we used; even filling in sections of my painting was a struggle. As time went on, I became more and more efficient at these kinds of things, with my hands placed strategically on my keyboard to quickly switch between brushes and eyedroppers, while simultaneously being able to make my brush smaller or larger and I became better with the Wacom tablet as well. Related website
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