Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Recollections: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Miranda Hernandez (2021)

Each of my images were chosen with the intention of commemorating beautiful things in my life. The images go from the most recent on the left to oldest on the right.

Each of my images were chosen with the intention of commemorating beautiful things in my life. The images go from the most recent on the left to oldest on the right. The oldest on the right is one of the first images I was able to capture with my first phone. It was on a sunny Sunday morning in which we went to visit Half Moon Bay. The middle image is on a late night outing in which my sister and I went to buy food. As the night continued on, we decided to celebrate our little bit of new found independence. Lastly, the image on the far left was taken on a stormy night. We decided to persevere traveling through wind, rain, and our tiny umbrella to get to Starbucks.

Overall, I think I still prefer painting rather than using filters, yet I can see their usefulness. I am still not sure what I could use these effects for in the future, but I do know they are very fun to use and learn about. Related website
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