Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Night time adventures: A Senior Photo Conversions to Watercolor Paintings Set by Natalie Lo (2021)

The first piece was a photo taken of me at Twin Peaks in San Francisco. That Monday I just come back from New York, and it felt nice to be back in California. I love the night, and the night in the city is even better. My second piece was based on a picture taken of me at a musical festival In New York City. That was taken on the last night of the three-day festival and that night was a night to remember. The last picture was taken of me by another Freestyle student, Emma Ace. We had a photoshoot in my room with my LED lights turned on. My Halloween costume this year is by far my favorite costume ever.

My favorite part of the altering of the photos was revealing the image through watercolor brushes. I enjoyed playing around with different watercolor brushes. I really liked the splatter watercolor brushes. I added splatter watercolor effects in all three altered pictures.

I see myself using the revealing photo effect techniques for future artworks I will create. Using soft light to lighten an image is another technique I see myself using later on. I also really like the watercolor brushes, so I will keep those brushes downloaded. Related website
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