Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Bob's Legacy: A Senior Digital Pastel Painting by Owen Peterson (2021)

My experience with creating a Photoshop Pastel Painting was very positive. I really enjoyed the process of creating it and being able to express some ideas. The process of painting was very satisfying, getting all of the colors to blend into each other but still be able to see the brush strokes, emphasizing the fact that it is still a painting. I put two different images together and I think it worked out even better than I had imagined.

The things that I valued about creating this project were the process and the creativity. Initially I just started working on this specific image as practice for my idea of the final outcome, but I liked the practice image so much that I stuck with it. I valued the creativity of implementing a separate background of an different painting based on one of Bob Ross’ actual paintings, and the process of putting everything together into one piece.

I learned a few things about myself through this project. First of all, I learned that sticking with an initial idea and letting it morph as the project progresses is actually a real way of making a project. That is exactly what happened to me, with the initial idea being the practice image that turned into the final product. I also learned that I pay more attention to detail than I previously thought. I found myself wanting to get the shading on the subject perfectly, and redoing a lot of sections to make them look better. Related website
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